
The aim of this manual is to teach you how to use the TBro. At first you will learn how to bring the data into the TBro. For this purpose you can follow the step by step guide using example data. When you work through this tutorial you have two options. You can either start from scratch, load the data from the original sources and perform the analyses yourself or you can just use the precomputed results in the example directory. In the manual it is assumed that you perform the analyses yourself so all commands that created the data are included. However the scope of this manual is not to teach you how to perform transcriptomic analyses and some of the methods may soon be out of date. The methods of importing and interpreting the data however will remain the same. If you choose to use the precomputed data just ignore all commands regarding their creation and use the accordingly named files in the example directory.


The demo data consists of the published transcriptome of /Cannabis sativa/. And additional short read libraries of different samples.

Cannabis sativa

The raw data is available through NCBI. The transcriptome is described in @CSATIVA and has accession numbers (JP449145 - JP482359). Read data from different samples is available through the SRA at NCBI. The used samples are:

  • Mature flower (SRR306868, SRR306869, SRR306870)
  • Mature leaf (SRR306875, SRR306885, SRR306886)
  • Entire root (SRR306861, SRR306862, SRR306863)

We analyzed the data in different ways and final results for each analysis are included in the example data. You can use this pregenerated results or generate it yourself, for this purpose each command for data creation along with program version is given. For an overview of the used programs and versions see table [tab:PROGRAMS].


Task Program Version
Peptide prediction Transdecoder r2012-08-15
Repeat annotation RepeatMasker 4.0.3
General annotations InterproScan 5 RC5
GO/EC annotation Blast2GO (B2G4Pipe) 2.5.0
General annotation MapMan (Mercator) 2013/07/18
Count quantification RSEM 1.2.5
Normalization / Differential expression DESeq 1.12.1

Data creation and import into TBro is described as a workflow in the next section.

Bringing the data into TBro

For this tutorial it is assumed, that you have a fresh install of TBro as described in the installation section.


All commands are executed inside the TBro_official docker container. To enter this container do the following:

docker exec -it TBro_official /bin/bash

Alternatively you can download the tbro-cli tools to your local machine. But remember that you have to install them via phing and set the config.php properly (to point to the database in the docker container - find the ip via docker inspect)

No demo data has been loaded to the database yet. These are the manual steps to load the demo data (resembling the automatic installation via TBro_demo docker container). So lets start populating the database with our first transcriptome.

The Cannabis sativa transcriptome


There is one preparation necessary before we can start importing data into TBro. We have to create the organism as is not part of the default CHADO repertoir.

tbro-db organism insert --genus Cannabis --species sativa\
 --common_name Weed --abbreviation C.sativa

tbro-db organism list

The last command shows us all organisms known to TBro. As we see the ID of is 13. We will need this ID for later commands. You have probably noticed that it is possible to use autocompletion for commands, subcommands and parameters. In addition the very useful –help option is present for every command and gives information on usage, and available parameters.

The Transcripts

Create a directory cannabis_sativa with subdirectory transcriptome

mkdir -p cannabis_sativa/transcriptome
cd cannabis_sativa/transcriptome


The following documentation requires you to perform the search at NCBI yourself. It further assumes that you want to do all of the analyses manually again. If you just want to learn how to import the data files into TBro you can execute the following command:

git clone

In the new DemoData folder you find all the pre-calculated files. So you only have to issue the tbro-db and tbro-import commands.

If you want to follow along with your own data instead you can copy your file into the docker container with this command (outside the docker container):

docker cp MyTranscriptome.fasta TBro_official:/

Please replace MyTranscriptome.fasta with your actual file name. It will be available in the root of the file system / inside the container.

Download the transcriptome from NCBI [1]. To do so, search for 74271[BioProject] on and download all hits as fasta. There should be sequences. Save those to the file cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta in the newly created folder. As we have no isoform unigene relationship for those transcripts we treat all of them as separate isoforms. So the id file comes down to a simple list of all ids in the fasta.

grep ">" cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta\
 | perl -pe 's/>(\S+).*/$1/'\

Now, it’s time to import the sequence IDs into TBro. As we have no isoform - unigene relationship we import each transcript as a single isoform:

tbro-import sequence_ids --organism_id 13 --release 1.CasaPuKu\
 --file_type only_isoforms cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.ids
We had to pass the previously given organism-id and a release name.

The release name can be selected freely and the release is automatically created upon first usage. The file-type was set to only_isoforms as we have no unigenes. Other possible values are only_unigenes and map. The last thing we pass is the path to the file containing the sequence-ids which we have just created. | TBro now knows about the sequence ids so lets feed it with the associated sequences:

tbro-import sequences_fasta --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta

Now it’s time to start up your browser and visit your TBro instance. Use the quick search field in the upper right corner to find gi|351628922|gb|JP481805.1|. You will see the isoform page with the basic information about this transcript. By now there is just the general info (date of import, organism, release) and the sequence together with a visualization as a horizontal bar. You can check back to this page after every successful import to watch how the new features are presentet. Of course you can choose any other isoform that is of interest to you.

Predicted Peptides

After we have the nucleotide sequences, the next step is to predict peptides and load this info into TBro. There are many tools available to predict peptides, we chose Transdecoder but the TBro does not restrict you to a certain tool.

mkdir -p ../peptids
cd ../peptids -t \
 -m 30 -v --CPU 4 >log >error.log

Note that we have set the minimum protein length to 30 and number of threads to 4, you can adjust those parameters to your own requirements. Unfortunatelly the output format for predicted peptides is not standardized. To make the peptide import generic and not rely on the output format of a special program the import into TBro is split into two steps. First a list of peptides is imported. This list has to be in tab delimited format and contain the following columns:

  1. peptide id
  2. isoform id
  3. start position
  4. end position
  5. strand (+/-)

This file can easily be created from the output of every peptide prediction program. TBro contains a tool to get the table from the Transdecoder output so lets use that:

tbro-tools transToProt -o predicted_peptides.tbl\

Lets have a look to see that the table has the desired format.

head -n5 predicted_peptides.tbl
m.243266        gi|351590686|gb|JP449145.1|     165     893     +
m.243259        gi|351590687|gb|JP449146.1|     1751    1894    +
m.243253        gi|351590687|gb|JP449146.1|     2       1684    +
m.243237        gi|351590688|gb|JP449147.1|     1       1986    +
m.243247        gi|351590688|gb|JP449147.1|     2173    2295    +

Now to import this peptide table issue the following command:

tbro-import peptide_ids --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu predicted_peptides.tbl

TBro now knows about the predicted peptides and their locations. What’s missing is the sequences. They are added the same way as the nucleotide sequences of the transcripts before. It is important, that the fasta IDs exactly match the IDs in the first column of the peptide table.

tbro-import sequences_fasta --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu best_candidates.eclipsed_orfs_removed.pep

You might want to check back to the web interface to see our newly imported peptides.


Another basic type of annotation are repeats. So we create repeat annotations using RepeatMasker and import them.

mkdir -p ../analyses/repeats
cd ../analyses/repeats

RepeatMasker -pa 4 -dir . -xm -species viridiplantae\

All we need to do now is tell TBro to import the generated file as RepeatMasker annotations:

tbro-import annotation_repeatmasker --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta.out.xm


Interpro is a usefull tool to annotate protein sequences with information from different databases. There exists a command line version of this tool called InterproScan. We use this tool to generate the interpro annotations for our transcriptome:

mkdir -p ../interpro
cd ../interpro --pa --iprlookup --goterms --fasta\
 --output-file-base interpro >interpro.log

The results in the tsv format can be importet into TBro with the following command:

tbro-import annotation_interpro --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu -i interproscan-5-RC5 interpro.tsv

Note that it is important to know the InterproScan version used as each version uses different versions of the underlying databases. Interpretation of the results requires knowledge of this versions so the -i switch taking the version is required for this import.


Blast2GO uses BLAST to find sequence similarities to annotated sequences. The hits are then used to assign GO terms and EC numbers to the input sequences.

mkdir -p ../blast2go
cd ../blast2go

blastx -query ../../transcriptome/cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta\
 -db /path/to/databases/NCBI/nr -evalue 1e-3 -outfmt 5\
 -num_alignments 250 -num_descriptions 250\

java -Xmx20G -cp *:ext/*: es.blast2go.prog.B2GAnnotPipe\
 -out cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.blast2go.annot\
 -prop -v -annot -dat -img\
 > cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.blast2go.log

First all sequences are blasted against a local copy of nr. The output format is set to 5 (xml output). The e-value cutoff was set to \(10^{-3}\). Afterwards the BLAST output is passed to the Blast2GO annotation pipeline. We can extract three different kinds of annotations from the Blast2GO output:


Gene Ontology

grep "GO:" cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.blast2go.annot\

tbro-import annotation_go --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.blast2go.annot.go

The lines containing “GO:” are selected and imported into TBro as annotation_go


Enzyme Commission

grep "EC:" cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.blast2go.annot\

tbro-import annotation_ec --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu

The lines containing “EC:” are selected and imported into TBro as annotation_ec


perl -ane 'print if(@F>2)'\

tbro-import annotation_description --organism_id 13 --release 1.CasaPuKu\

Descriptions are arbitrary text that describes a transcript. Some GO Terms contain a meaningful description so we import the lines containing such a description into TBro. However this is just an example, the source of the description does not matter. The format is a tab delimited format with the feature ID in the first column and the description in the second.


Mercator is a tool to classify sequences into MapMan functional plant categories.

mkdir -p ../mercator
cd ../mercator
To perform the Mercator classification start up your browser and go to | In the web interface you can upload the cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta. Unfortunatelly, there is a restriction on the input file size. This limit is exceeded by our transcriptome. So you can either contact the people at MapMan to allow you the submission of a larger dataset or just split the input file into two parts. We split the file by sequence length but you can just as well open the file in a text editor and split it. Then run Mercator on each chunk and download the results afterwards. It is no problem to import the two reports, one after the other:

tbro-import annotation_mapman --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu mercator.results_max1499.txt

tbro-import annotation_mapman --organism_id 13\
 --release 1.CasaPuKu mercator.results_min1500.txt

Expression Counts

Now we have all kinds of annotation for each transcript in the TBro so we can start with the fun part. Expression data and differential expression data in particular are the main prospects why we perform RNASeq experiments. So go ahead and download the SRA files listet above.

mkdir -p ../../samples
cd ../../samples

/path/to/sratoolkit/bin/fastq-dump *

In the samples directory we now have a .fq file for each downloaded .sra file. The SRA files are no longer required so you can delete them to save some space. The next step is the quantification by mapping the reads onto the transcripts. This quantification is done separately for each sample in the for loop:

rsem-prepare-reference cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta\

for SAMPLE in *.fq
BASE=$(basename $SAMPLE .fq)
rsem-calculate-expression -p 4 $SAMPLE cannabis_sativa_transcriptome\
 $BASE >$BASE.log 2>$BASE.err

The results for each sample are aggregated into a single large table with the perl script

perl --in_RSEM\
 SRR306868.isoforms.results SRR306869.isoforms.results\
 SRR306870.isoforms.results SRR306875.isoforms.results\
 SRR306885.isoforms.results SRR306886.isoforms.results\
 SRR306861.isoforms.results SRR306862.isoforms.results\
 --labels_RSEM Flower.mature_L1 Flower.mature_L2 Flower.mature_L3\
 Leaf.mature_L1 Leaf.mature_L2 Leaf.mature_L3\
 Root.entire_L1 Root.entire_L2 Root.entire_L3\
 --out rsem_aggregated.mat

The resulting table could be imported into TBro as it is. However the data is not normalized yet. You should always(!) normalize your expression data. One way to do that is using the DESeq R-package provided by Bioconductor. So fire up R and install DESeq if you don’t already have it. As we use DESeq also to create the differential expression data we will already do that and use the results in the next section.

# installing and loading DESeq
# loading the expression data
cmat <- read.table(file="rsem_aggregated.mat", row.names=1, header=T)
cond <- sub("_L.*","",colnames(cmat))
# TMM normalization
cds <- newCountDataSet(round(cmat),cond)
cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds)
write.table(file="rsem_aggregated_TMM.mat", counts(cds,normalized=T),
 quote=F, sep="\t")

# differential expressions
cds <- estimateDispersions(cds)
res.FvsR <- na.omit(nbinomTest(cds,"Flower","Root"))
res.FvsL <- na.omit(nbinomTest(cds,"Flower","Leaf"))
res.RvsL <- na.omit(nbinomTest(cds,"Root","Leaf"))
write.csv(res.FvsL, file="rsem_aggregated_TMM_diff_FvsL.mat", quote=F)
write.csv(res.FvsR, file="rsem_aggregated_TMM_diff_FvsR.mat", quote=F)
write.csv(res.RvsL, file="rsem_aggregated_TMM_diff_RvsL.mat", quote=F)

So now we have the expression counts in the file rsem_aggregated_TMM.mat. This file just lacks the header for the first column so we add it with the following command:

sed -i '1{s/^/ID\t/}' rsem_aggregated_TMM.mat

Before we can go ahead and import the data into TBro we have to make some preparations. Normally RNASeq experiments are performed on biomaterials in different conditions. To differentiate between biological signals and random noise it is mandatory to have replicates for each condition. Each replicate is called a sample. This hirarchical structure of biomaterial \(\rightarrow\) condition \(\rightarrow\) sample is also represented in the TBro. So lets tell TBro about our samples:

# Prepare database for Expression Data Import
# Add missing biomaterials (Flower and Root are already present)
tbro-db biomaterial insert --name Flower
tbro-db biomaterial insert --name Leaf
tbro-db biomaterial insert --name Root

# Add conditions
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition --name Flower.mature\
 --parent_biomaterial_name Flower
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition --name Leaf.mature\
 --parent_biomaterial_name Leaf
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition --name Root.entire\
 --parent_biomaterial_name Root

# Add samples
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Flower.mature_L1\
 --parent_condition_name Flower.mature
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Flower.mature_L2\
 --parent_condition_name Flower.mature
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Flower.mature_L3\
 --parent_condition_name Flower.mature
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Leaf.mature_L1\
 --parent_condition_name Leaf.mature
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Leaf.mature_L2\
 --parent_condition_name Leaf.mature
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Leaf.mature_L3\
 --parent_condition_name Leaf.mature
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Root.entire_L1\
 --parent_condition_name Root.entire
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Root.entire_L2\
 --parent_condition_name Root.entire
tbro-db biomaterial add_condition_sample --name Root.entire_L3\
 --parent_condition_name Root.entire

Also the experiments and analyses should be traceable. So we also have to include information about the experiment and the different steps in the analysis. Also the person who performed the analyses has to be specified:

# Add contact
tbro-db contact insert --name TBroDemo --description 'TBro Demo User'
# New item ID is 5.

#Add experiments
tbro-db assay insert --name SRX082027 --operator_id 4
# New item ID is 1.

# Add acquisitions (corresponding to experiments)
tbro-db acquisition insert --name SRX082027 --assay_id 1
# New item ID is 1.

# Add analyses
tbro-db analysis insert --name RSEM_TMM --program RSEM\
 --programversion 1.2.5 --sourcename Mapping\
 --description 'RSEM quantification with subsequent TMM normalization'
# New item ID is 50.
tbro-db analysis insert --name DESeq_isoform --program DESeq\
 --programversion 1.12.1 --sourcename Mapping_isoform
# New item ID is 51.

# Add quantifications
tbro-db quantification insert --name RSEM_SRX082027\
 --acquisition_id 1 --analysis_id 50
# New item ID is 1.

So we have created a contact, assay, acquisition, quantification and two analyses. Warning: It is important to use the right IDs. Those may differ in your case so carefully watch the output of each command and note the ID given. If you forget an ID you can always have a list of all available entries by issuing:

tbro-db <subcommand> list

After a lot of groundwork we are finaly there. Import the expression counts with this command:

tbro-import expressions -o 13 -r 1.CasaPuKu -q 1 -a 50\

Differential Expression

Differential expression is the comparison of the expressions in two different conditions. When calculating differential expressions statistical methods are applied to correct for the multiple testing problem. We have already performed this analysis in the previous section. So if you have skipped the Expression section you have to use the R snippet there. We also already created the biomaterials, conditions, analyses, etc. Therefor we can go ahead and import the differential expression results:

tbro-import differential_expressions -o 13 -r 1.CasaPuKu --analysis_id\
 51 -A Flower.mature -B Leaf.mature rsem_aggregated_TMM_diff_FvsL.mat
tbro-import differential_expressions -o 13 -r 1.CasaPuKu --analysis_id\
 51 -A Flower.mature -B Root.entire rsem_aggregated_TMM_diff_FvsR.mat
tbro-import differential_expressions -o 13 -r 1.CasaPuKu --analysis_id\
 51 -A Root.entire -B Leaf.mature rsem_aggregated_TMM_diff_RvsL.mat

Blast DB

To search the transcriptome by homology. Lets add a blast database. To do so we create a nucleotide database and a protein database and zip them:

makeblastdb -in cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta -dbtype nucl
makeblastdb -in cannabis_sativa_predpep.fasta -dbtype prot
zip cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta*
zip cannabis_sativa_predpep.fasta*
md5sum *.zip
# b2ab466c7bfb7d41c27a89cf40837fb4
# 1f87bbeee5a623e6d2f8cab8f68c9726

This zip files should now be moved in a location where it can be reached from the worker machines. To tell TBro about the BLAST databases you should issue the following command in your directory containing the TBro source code (/home/tbro/ in the docker container, but in the docker installation phing has already been executed, so you can skip this step, in case you want to execute it again make sure to run source ~/.bash_profile first, otherwise phing will not be found.):

phing queue-install-db

This will create a file called queue_config.example.sql in the current directory. Rename it to queue_config.sql and adjust the appropriate sections like this:


-- database files available. name is the name it will be referenced by, md5 is the zip file's sum, download_uri specifies where the file can be retreived
INSERT INTO database_files
 (name, md5, download_uri) VALUES
 ('cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta', '1f87bbeee5a623e6d2f8cab8f68c9726',
 ('cannabis_sativa_predpep.fasta', 'b2ab466c7bfb7d41c27a89cf40837fb4',

-- contains information which program is available for which program.
-- additionally, 'availability_filter' can be used to e.g. restrict use for a organism-release combination
INSERT INTO program_database_relationships
 (programname, database_name, availability_filter) VALUES
 ('blastn','cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta', '13_1.CasaPuKu'),
 ('blastp','cannabis_sativa_predpep.fasta', '13_1.CasaPuKu'),
 ('blastx','cannabis_sativa_predpep.fasta', '13_1.CasaPuKu'),
 ('tblastn','cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta', '13_1.CasaPuKu'),
 ('tblastx','cannabis_sativa_transcriptome.fasta', '13_1.CasaPuKu');


It is important that the name column in database_files matches the base filename of the blast database in the zip file.

The availability_filter column is very important it specifies for which organism and release the database is visible in the TBro interface. The form is {organism_id}_{release}. As we only have a single organism (id: 13) and release (1.CasaPuKu) we set it to 13_1.CasaPuKu. If you want a single database to show up for multiple organisms or releases you have to specify multiple rows with different availability filters.

You have to specify a location that can be reached by your worker machine. If you just want to have a single worker on the same machine as the server you can specify the location in the local file system starting with file://. If you used the docker setup you can load the files into the docker ftp container with curl:

curl --data-binary --ftp-pasv --user $WORKERFTP_ENV_FTP_USER:$WORKERFTP_ENV_FTP_PW -T ftp://"$WORKERFTP_PORT_21_TCP_ADDR"/
curl --data-binary --ftp-pasv --user $WORKERFTP_ENV_FTP_USER:$WORKERFTP_ENV_FTP_PW -T ftp://"$WORKERFTP_PORT_21_TCP_ADDR"/

To perform the changes run the queue_config.sql commands in your queue database:

Now TBro knows about the database and shows it in the web interface.

To perform BLAST searches we need a worker to execute them. In case of the docker setup you already have a blast worker running. Otherwise you can create one with this command:

phing queue-build-worker

Modify the config.php to your needs. Most values should be preconfigured through your After that you can start the worker (preferably in a screen):

screen -S blastworker
./worker.php config.php

Have fun blasting.

Synonym / Publication

Synonyms and publications can be added using the API key and internal name of your bibsonomy account. The structure of such a command is as follows:

tbro-db feature add_synonym -f 555 --synonym 'InterestingTranscript'\
 -b '[[publication/1adaa3fb03xxxxxxxxxxxxxaec4cef920/bibsonomy_username]]'
 -u 'bibsonomy_username' -t symbol -k 34a2149d8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxbebd342aa


To use TBros pathway feature we have to connect the imported data to pathways. As of now this connection is made via EC numbers and KEGG pathways. We have to import two tables containing descriptions for EC and KEGG identifiers in the simple formatL:


Additionally a mapping of which EC occurs in each KEGG pathway is required in the following format:

<EC number><TAB><KEGG ID>

We collected EC and KEGG information from ENZYME, Interpro and priam to get the descriptions and mapping. The resulting tables may not be complete and up to date so you might wish to create your own tables and mapping. For a quick start you find the three files, and

tbro-tools addECInformationToDB
tbro-tools addPathwayInformationToDB
tbro-tools addEC2PathwayMapping

Custom Annotations

Arbitrary key/value pairs can be added to isoforms and unigenes since TBro version 1.1.1 All you need is a tsv file with two columns (unigene/isoform identifier and value). The key is given as a command-line parameter for the whole file. Consider the file custom.tsv:


Importing this file into TBro with key my_custom_annotation you have to execute:

tpro-import annotation_custom --annotation-type my_custom_annotation custom.tsv

It is then possible to search via annotation search for custom annotations with key my_custom_annotation.

Any other transcriptome

With the description above it should be easy for you to import any transcriptome that interests you. The only thing that could differ significantly from the description above is if you have predicted unigenes for your transcriptome. This is common practice and if you use a de novo transcriptome assembler like Trinity you will get unigenes with corresponding isoforms. In this case the main difference is in the first step importing ids. Instead of importing a plain list of sequence IDs you import a map of the following format:

<Unigene ID><TAB><Isoform ID>

With a separate line for each isoform. The import command would then be:

tbro-import sequence_ids --organism_id 14 --release 1.0\
 --file_type map

Of course you have to adjust the organism_id and release parameters. The use of unigenes brings a number of advantages. You can easily find isoforms that belong to the same unigene as each isoform contains a connection to its parent and on the unigene page you have a list of all corresponding isoforms. In addition you can now load expression and differential expression results on unigene level as well as on isoform level. Many programs like RSEM can readily handle that.

Exploring the imported Data

Feature annotations

Basic information

Basic information


Sequence Annotation

Sequence Annotation


Predicted peptids

Predicted peptids








Mapman Mercator

Mapman Mercator






Expression Barplot for a single Isoform

Expression Barplot for a single Isoform


Expression Barplot for all isoforms in a cart

Expression Barplot for all isoforms in a cart


Differential Expressions

Differential expression

Differential expression


Differential expression results Flower vs Leaf

Differential expression results Flower vs Leaf







List of Pathways in the cart

List of Pathways in the cart










Blast interface

Blast interface


Blast results

Blast results


Blast results

Blast results


[1]In this case we start with a pre-assembled transcriptome. For your own data it might be necessary to do the assembly from the raw reads yourself. The SOS pipeline is great for that purpose.