

Installation of TBro is straightforward and easy using preconfigured docker containers. See docker documentation on how to install docker on your machine.

After installation of docker execute the following commands to pull the docker images:

docker pull greatfireball/generic_postgresql_db
docker pull tbroteam/generic_chado_db_reload
docker pull tbroteam/tbro_worker_ftp
docker pull tbroteam/tbro_worker
docker pull tbroteam/tbro_apache
# only required if predifined demo data should be loaded
docker pull tbroteam/tbro_demo

Now start the Chado database container and install the schema:

docker run -d -e DB_NAME=chado -e DB_USER=tbro -e DB_PW=tbro --name "Chado_DB_4_TBro_official" greatfireball/generic_postgresql_db
sleep 60
docker run --rm -i -t --link Chado_DB_4_TBro_official:CHADO --name "Chado_DB_4_TBro_load_official" tbroteam/generic_chado_db_reload

Now start the database container for the BLAST worker:

docker run -d -e DB_NAME=worker -e DB_USER=worker -e DB_PW=worker --name "Worker_DB_4_TBro_official" greatfireball/generic_postgresql_db

Start an ftp server to host the BLAST databases:

docker run -d --name "Worker_FTP_4_TBro_official" -e FTP_USER="tbro" -e FTP_PW="ftp" tbroteam/tbro_worker_ftp

Start a worker to execute the BLAST jobs:

docker run -d --link Worker_DB_4_TBro_official:WORKER --link Worker_FTP_4_TBro_official:WORKERFTP --name "TBro_Worker_official" tbroteam/tbro_worker
docker exec -i -t TBro_Worker_official /home/tbro/

Finally start and install the main TBro container:

docker run -d --link Chado_DB_4_TBro_official:CHADO --link Worker_FTP_4_TBro_official:WORKERFTP --link Worker_DB_4_TBro_official:WORKER --name "TBro_official" -p 80:80 tbroteam/tbro_apache
docker exec -i -t TBro_official /home/tbro/

You can now access the TBro web interface by pointing your browser to http://localhost However there is no data loaded, yet. To load data you can either perform the automatic demo installation (see next section), follow the step-by-step tutorial (next chapter) or load your own data.

Preload demo data

Run the following command to fill your TBro instance with demo data from Cannabis sativa.

docker run --rm -i -t --link Worker_DB_4_TBro_official:WORKER --link Worker_FTP_4_TBro_official:WORKERFTP --link Chado_DB_4_TBro_official:CHADO --name "TBro_Demo_official" tbroteam/tbro_demo

Congratulations, you have a full-featured TBro instance up and running.